Why it is so important?

The Catholic Episcopal Conference in Angola and Sao Tome has been held for many years and it always had an important role in the faith and Christianity.
The purpose or better said the goal of the Catholic Episcopal Conference in Angola and Sao Tome has been changed many times but the main goal always stayed the same. It is needed to solve any issues, to prevent problems from reaching our believers and to improve the religion if that is possible. It is a mandatory part of the faith and something you will definitely be impressed with.
The experience people and bishops have here has been stunning and not something we can easily explain with words.
Conference in 2020
The Catholic Episcopal Conference in Angola and Sao Tome in 2020 is believed to have a huge impact and even bigger role to meet. It should meet the highest requirements and even bigger demands and it should complete various steps all in the best order.
We expect to see some of the biggest names in the church and religion in general and all of them should share their voice regarding the future and regarding any possible complications. The duration of the conference can be between a few hours up to a few days and it won’t be ended until the mission is completed.